Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Regular Expressions
the following codes in this article throws light to some of the commonly used regular expression..all are coded with c#,asp.net

How to Find a text and Replace with other text
string FindAndReplace(string text)
string str = text;
Regex rgx = new Regex( class="str">@"\bbuddha\b");
if (rgx.IsMatch(text))
str = rgx.Replace(str, "mybuddha");
return str;

Testing complexity of password using regular expression validator
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox1"
ErrorMessage="RegularExpressionValidator" ValidationExpression="(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9]).{7,15}"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator></div>

Splitting comma seperated files with a br tag
string SplitLine(string text)
string str = text;
Regex rgx = new Regex(@",\s*");
if (rgx.IsMatch(text))
str = rgx.Replace(str, ",<br>" );
return str;

will return

Extracting Query Strings from URLs
Regex rgx= new Regex( "\\?(?<query>[^<>#\"]+)" );

Extracting Filenames from Paths
Regex rgx = new Regex( ?
"(?<path>(\\\\(?<file>[^\\\\/:*?\"<>|.][^\\\\/:*?\"<>|]*))+)" );

Extracting Extensions from Filenames
Regex rgx = new Regex( ?
"\\\\[^\\\\/:*?\"<>|]+\\.(?<ext>[^.\\\\/:*?\"<>|]+)" );

Formatting U.S. Dates
Regex rgx = new Regex( @"^(\d{1,2})[-\/.]?(\d{1,2})[-\/.]?((?:\d{2}|\d{4}))$" );

Formating Dates
string FormatDates(string text)
string str = text;
Regex rgx = new Regex(@"(?:(?<=^)|(?<=[^\d]))(\d)(?=[^\d])");

if (rgx.IsMatch(text))
str = rgx.Replace(str, @"0$1");

return str;

1/1/2007 will become 01/01/2007

Validating Credit Card Numbers
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator Id="revInput" RunAt="server"
ErrorMessage="Please enter a valid value"
ValidationExpression="^(\d{4}-){3}|(\d{4} ){3}\d{4}|\d{15,16}|?
\d{4} \d{2} \d{4} \d{5}|\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{4}-\d{5}$"

Validating Dates in MM/DD/YYYY Format
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator Id="revInput" RunAt="server"
ErrorMessage="Please enter a valid value"

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